July 10, 2015

Moment Cam App

There's this app called moment cam that I discovered while looking for something simple and easy to create an interesting profile image or emoticons. It's a great app that has quite a large selection of options to try out. The best part is that it's FREE! Can it get any better than that? It's fun to play around with and I think it does a great job of making the sketch look similar to yourself from a selfie you provide it with. The one thing that you can't change is your hair colour; I'm not sure if there really is an option for it..maybe it does change according to the image you provide but it gave me a colour much lighter than what my hair actually is. I used 2 different images to see if they would alter the sketch of the face but I don't see much of a difference, haha. I like the end product of the sketches though c: Please ignore the fact that I don't have a nose (╥_╥) I guess it didn't come out very well so the nose part was sketched either very lightly or not at all? Hahahaha.

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